Errore sul database di WordPress: [Not unique table/alias: 'nb_postmeta']
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT nb_posts.ID FROM nb_posts LEFT JOIN nb_term_relationships ON (nb_posts.ID = nb_term_relationships.object_id) INNER JOIN nb_postmeta ON ( nb_posts.ID = nb_postmeta.post_id ) LEFT JOIN nb_icl_translations wpml_translations ON nb_posts.ID = wpml_translations.element_id AND wpml_translations.element_type = CONCAT('post_', nb_posts.post_type) LEFT JOIN nb_postmeta ON nb_posts.ID = nb_postmeta.post_id WHERE 1=1 AND ( nb_posts.ID NOT IN ( SELECT object_id FROM nb_term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (13) ) AND nb_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN (888) ) AND ( nb_postmeta.meta_key = 'total_sales' ) AND ((nb_posts.post_type = 'post' AND (nb_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-new' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-pending' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-expired' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-accepted' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-rejected' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-spec-request' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-xls-request')) OR (nb_posts.post_type = 'page' AND (nb_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-new' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-pending' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-expired' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-accepted' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-rejected' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-spec-request' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-xls-request')) OR (nb_posts.post_type = 'attachment' AND (nb_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-new' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-pending' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-expired' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-accepted' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-rejected' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-spec-request' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-xls-request')) OR (nb_posts.post_type = 'product' AND (nb_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-new' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-pending' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-expired' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-accepted' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-rejected' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-spec-request' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-xls-request')) OR (nb_posts.post_type = 'portfolio' AND (nb_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-new' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-pending' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-expired' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-accepted' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-rejected' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-spec-request' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-xls-request')) OR (nb_posts.post_type = 'avia_framework_post' AND (nb_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'acf-disabled' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-new' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-pending' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-expired' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-accepted' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-ywraq-rejected' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-spec-request' OR nb_posts.post_status = 'wc-qb-xls-request'))) AND ( ( ( wpml_translations.language_code = 'it' OR 0 ) AND nb_posts.post_type IN ('post','page','attachment','wp_block','wp_template','wp_template_part','wp_navigation','um_form','product','product_variation','portfolio' ) ) OR nb_posts.post_type NOT IN ('post','page','attachment','wp_block','wp_template','wp_template_part','wp_navigation','um_form','product','product_variation','portfolio' ) ) GROUP BY nb_posts.ID ORDER BY nb_postmeta.meta_value+0 ASC LIMIT 0, 15

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